June 26, 2015

Say what?

I guess there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in some circles today in light of the US Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality. I tend to be of the opinion that those who are opposed to same sex marriage could maybe just not marry someone of the same sex. I think that would take care of it.

Meanwhile, I found the reaction of some WV politicians to the court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act to be bizarre. Case in point would be Shelley Moore Capito's expression of disappointment that the court upheld. Among other things, she said "Thousands of West Virginians have lost or had to change coverage because of this costly and complicated law."

I'm not sure whether she's referring to the 163,000 working West Virginians who gained coverage through Medicaid expansion or the 26,000 who gained coverage through the exchange or the thousands of young adults who thanks to the ACA are able to stay on their parent's insurance until age 26.

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