August 12, 2011

A literary disagreement resolved

According to a widely told story (which didn't happen exactly as told), back in the last century the American writers Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald were said to have a disagreement about the nature of the very wealthy.

Fitzgerald was said to hold to the view that "the rich are different from you and me." Hemingway supposedly said, "yes, they have more money."

Scientifically speaking, the results are in. And the winner is...Fitzgerald. The very wealthy, taken as a group, do tend to be a bit different from most folks--and not in a good way. Read more about it here.

I always thought Fitzgerald was the better writer of the two...

THE NEGLECTED CRISIS is the jobs crisis.

FOOD INSECURITY affects nearly one in four American households with children.

LOW RESERVES. Three out of five Americans say they don't have the savings for a $1000 emergency expense.

MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL. It appears that most Americans are against it. I wonder if this CNN poll will trigger yet another industry hissy fit? Or will they just blame the EPA?


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